Island Bush Care
emissions reduction
Local trees for global change
The Island Bush Care program provides an opportunity for you to have direct impact in revegetating Phillip Island. In partnership with Phillip Island Landcare Group and Totally Renewable Phillip Island, indigenous trees will be purchased and planted on selected land. As an Island Bush Carer, the contribution you make goes towards purchase of trees and reduces your impact on the environment.
Island Bush Carers
a plant a day program
Luxe Isle Clothing Store - 2021
Carla Cumming's 40th birthday - 2022
carbon reduction program
Leonard and Associates Solicitors - 2021
San Remo Pre School - 2021
Deb Leonard federal campaign - 2022
Leonard & Associates - 2023
G Hart - 2023
Island Whale Festival - 2023
B Hayward & J Fallaw - 2023
Wildlife Coast Cruises - 2023
T & G Appleton - 2023
C Cummings - 2023
D & B Rooks - 2023
Program Information
In partnership with Totally Renewable Phillip Island (TRPI), we are offering the opportunity to reduce your net carbon emissions by planting native vegetation on Phillip Island.
1 tonne of your carbon emissions can be reduced for every 7 tube stock plants.
This figure is based on 7 indigenous plants with the growing capacity for up to 25 years. Plants includes native vegetation from ground cover to trees.
The indigenous plants will be tube stock from The Barb Martin Bushbank, Koala Conservation Reserve where seeds are collected locally by Phillip Island Nature Park and their volunteers.
Once you’ve calculated your yearly carbon emissions you will know how many plants need to be grown and your annual investment.
For example, if your yearly carbon emissions were 14 tonnes you multiply that figure by 7 (plants) and then $3 (the cost of a plant, tree guard and two stakes).
This is shown in the example below:
Tonnes of carbon / year: 14
Plants per tonne : 7
Cost per plant & guards :$3
14 X 7 = 98 plants, 98 X $3 = $294. Total investment in reducing your carbon emissions.
Frequently asked questions and the terms and conditions of the program are below.

Island Bush Carer Deb with plants, guards and hamilton tree planter all ready for her upcoming planting day.
Deb's story
Our first Island Bush Carer to reduce their emissions was Deb Leonard from Leonard & Associates. Deb chose to reduce her business carbon footprint. She did an online audit using a common carbon calculator. The results found her office was contributing 7 tonne of carbon emissions to the atmosphere per year. Deb felt she could double that commitment in the first year. Her 98 tubestock were planted in the wetland area of the Gap Rd Council site on the 2nd of July 2022. ​
​Calculate your carbon emissions
To calculate your yearly carbon emissions, you can either:
a) calculate your own amount or,
b) use one of TRPI’s packages.
a) Calculate your own carbon emissions:
There are many carbon calculators available. They will guide you through your lifestyle costs such as electricity used, car use, purchasing habits, travel etc. One we have used regularly can be found here
If you want a more accurate calculation you can pay for the service. There are many options available including Rhys Freeman energy audits for $200. Phone: 0409 536 995 or email: rhysfr1@gmail.com
b) TRPI’s carbon emission offset packages:
TRPI have designed a number of offset packages that may align to your lifestyle. The packages are based on average use and are a convenient way of participating in the program. Note, businesses are too varied to create an average package therefore it is better to use the carbon emissions calculators.
Quiet Lifestyle Pack: $210
Item CO2 Tonnes
One Small House 6
One Car 4
Total CO2 Tonnes: 10
Number of Plants: 70
Easy Lifestyle Pack: $462
Item CO2 Tonnes
One House 8
Two Cars 8
Regular dinner & drinks 2
One O/S holiday 4
Total CO2 Tonnes: 22 Number of plants: 154
Active Lifestyle Pack: $672
Item CO2 Tonnes
One House: 8
Two Cars 8
Several movies/shows 4
Several dinners in Melbourne 4
Two O/S trip 8
Total CO2 Tonnes: 32
Number of plants: 224
Sharing the good news
Your contribution will be recognised by Phillip Island Landcare Group and the wider community through a number of initiatives:

To get involved complete the form below:
We have two seperate forms. One is for packages, the other is for calculating your own emissions. Please choose the appropriate form. Payment will be part of the signup process. You will receive confirmation payment and letter.
Common questions and terms and conditions are below. Should you have any further queries please contact Bhavani Rooks on 0457 148 921.
1. Is this a carbon offset program?
No, you are contributing to carbon drawdown. This program cannot be used as an emissions offset. To learn more about defining, calculating, and reducing your emissions, please refer to the Federal Government Standard Homepage | Climate Active. Certified credit types for carbon neutral claims are outlined in this standard
2- Where will my trees be planted?
We have many rural landholder members who are keen to revegetate and create wildlife corridors on their property. We also plant on public land however we need permission first from the landholder/manager.
3- Can I claim a tax deduction?
We can supply a tax invoice with GST.
4 - When will my trees be planted?
To give plants the best opportunity of survival we plant from May through to August, avoiding the need to water and allowing them to become established during the winter months.
5- When can I sign up?
You can sign up any time of the year. We place a plant order at the Barb-Martin Bushbank each November. If you register after this date it's likely your planting will happen in the coming winter. However, your planting may be pushed back to the following winter should plant stock be unavailable.
6 - How do I make a payment?
Payment can be made via credit card or Paypal through the signup process. Alternatively, through the signup process you can choose the manual payment option and make an EFT payment with the details below:
BSB: 633 000
Account Number: 144 585 106
7. Is this a Government endorsed carbon credits program?
No, this is a voluntary program. If you wish to participate in a government-endorsed program consider using an Australian company such as Green Fleet or Carbon Neutral.
If you feel a connection to the local landscape stick with us, get your hands dirty and get plants in the ground on Phillip Island.
8- Who can become an Island Bush Carer?
Any individual, community group, or business from Phillip Island or San Remo.
Island Bush Care Program
Terms and Conditions
The Island Bush Care program administered by Phillip Island Landcare Group and Totally Renewable Phillip Island (herein called 'the partners') delivers revegetation activities, including site selection and preparation, planting and monitoring.
Whilst every effort will be made by the partners to establish, nurture and monitor our native revegetation projects that are established to reduce your carbon emissions, we are unable to guarantee the permanency of such plantings.
Acts outside of the control of the partners, including natural disasters, sovereign risk, force majeure or property ownership changes may impact some areas of plantations.
The partners voluntary emissions reduction scheme is not accredited by a governing body in Australia or internationally.
Limitation of Liability:
The partners are not responsible and cannot be held liable if:
Your reforestation plot is destroyed or does not survive after planting, including but not limited to causes such as natural thinning of planted trees and natural events (drought/fire/pests etc).
Your trees do not sequester the expected volume of carbon as per your initial calculation with the partners. The partners will take reasonable steps to manage projects and provide reasonable estimates of the amount of CO2 equivalent carbon that the trees we plant will sequester on average, but is not liable if this level of sequestration is not achieved.
The partners do not measure the actual level of carbon sequestration by the trees planted in a project, other than monitoring a project for ongoing maintenance and reporting purposes.
Any claims of carbon neutrality are made solely by the participant organisation in the scheme and are not endorsed by the Partners.
The partners voluntary emissions reduction scheme in which you are participating is not externally certified against an Australian or international standard.