2022 Bunny Boiler
Dinner Event
We celebrated our annual Bunny Boiler dinner in December last year. The dinner event was again held at the Phillip Island Winery in the large atrium which provides an earthly atmosphere for the occasion. The event is held to remind Landcarers and the wider community how pesky the rabbit population is on our Island.
Over 80 attendees dined on a tasting board of delights including breads, cheese, dips, and rabbit terrine followed by the main of rabbit stew poured over polenta or vegetarian gnocchi. Aaron Stephens, Invasive Species Coordinator at Bass Coast Landcare Network, was the key presenter for the evening and shared the first-year results of the Phillip Island 'Teaming up to Tackle Rabbit's project'. Aaron can be contacted on 0456 390 423 or aaron.stephens@basscoastlandcare.org.au A second presentation launched the Groups new 'Island Bush Care' program. To top off the evening Mike Cleeland shared his classic poetry before live music from Bern Carroll and Bill Cleeland had people up dancing.
David Rooks, Chairperson of the Landcare Group, agreed "It's a great celebration with a bit of everything included to create a wonderful dinner, education and social event".
Bunny Boiler Images Below:


Previous Bunny Boiler Flyer's Below